Wednesday, August 11, 2004


Yay! I'm here! It is both comforting and slightly weird/strange that it generally doesn't seem to have changed at all! I got picked upat the airport in Christchurch yesterday by my pa and my bro (Casey - Abra's F.H = future husband!), I got a bit emotional seeing them and being in the midst of family! Then we drove down to Timaru to the awaiting Roast Lamb!! Well, it wasn't quite waiting, but the smell of it cooking away was just amazing! Shaun and Ann came for dinner too and brought Max the new dog. It smelt...maybe I'm not used to dog smells, maybe it was in fact a smelly dog..?

So after tea, Jo, Jem, Tans and Greg came to visit! Way exciting! It was weird how it didn't seem like I had even been away... I was gutted cos they are all styled and looking good, and I was in my nice traveling scrub pants! I knew I should have started the Selene Revitilisation Project 6 months ago!! I then inflicted most of my photos on them..! Shelli, I filled Greg in on the plan..!! They enjoyed the photos I think...better have anyway!

So in other news, it's official my accent is different. Not only is it my nearest and dearest who tease me/mock me, and can generally tell the difference, but the dentist who I see but once a year, and the office lady at Dad's work also can tell! I have been told I sould posh..?? Now I know that couldn't come from you Americans..!! So as the dentist said, it seems half way between American and British accent! So don't worry Mary and Jo, you've rubbed off on me too! Too think this happens when I spemd a year away from my people...imagine how I'll be after next year!!

So I'm home, and I don't feel like I have anything to do! I went into town with Greg this morning, since he's down from Auckland on holiday. Oh how the people of Timaru are so special!! Saw a few teenage mothers, and the gereatrics, and the other general working folk of Timaru! I bought some books that were 5 for $20!!! Such bargins to be found in NZ!!

So, glad everyone has made it safely home (well, Meag, Jo, and Jocelyn). Enjoy settling back in to Beaver Creek life Meag and enjoy the pampering you have planned...what is it today, pedicure? facial?...! Gotta go, going to go have lunch in town with Jo...Pita bread and falafel I think!!! YUM!!


At 12/8/04 4:39 pm, Blogger Selene said...

I so knew you would have trouble with food when you got home!! Cos just between you and me(!!??) NZ food is just too much for my tummy too!! Thank god you're not at my house now, and I don't have to smell you!!! He he!!


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