Wednesday, July 28, 2004

They just keep leaving...!

So I have just got home from another farewell.  I tell you, I have been out just about every night for the last week, and it's not stopping...And I'm not even the one leaving!  There is the occasional party/dinner for me, as a see you after summer kinda gig, but otherwise it's all goodbyes for the dearly departing..! 
So weird to think that a year ago (well, a week less of), I arrived in Japan, in Tokyo, and then a group of us were flown down to the Guch to begin at least a year in the unknown, doing the unknown.  I arrived in Yamaguchi on the Wednesday, and my supervisor took me to lunch, the office, the city hall, then the station... I was SO knackered, and knew I was on the verge of breaking down...So when we were standing in the station and Zoe walked by, I did just that!!  Burst into tears, surely freaked out my supervisor, causing him to think a nutcase has just been placed in his supervision! 

I swear that break-down did good!  Things could only get better, and for about a month the office lady and other Ed. Office staff questioned how I was, if I was home sick etc!  But that day, after leaving Christchurch 4 days earlier, then NZ the day after that, I had sucked it in, cos I couldn't be a blubbering mess when there was other stuff to get on with... But when I got back to my apartment (which had been locked up for 2 wees freckin' hot!), and the door closed, I just bawled...then I talked to my Mum, and bawled and said "I can't even watch TV, cos I don't understand it!"  Really funny know I look back!  And there began my countdown, '364 days til I can go home, 363 days til I can go home...' Seriously! 
But then I met great people, realised urine-smelling English camps were not going to be frequent events, and realised even though everyone is at least 30mins away, it really isn't that far.  So, now as the first year comes to an end, and I am going to start another year, I can't believe this year went so fast.  I am sad that so many of my friends are leaving (thankfully not all of them though!).  I do wonder what I will do with myself when previously I have talked on the phone about nothing cos I can't be bothered hanging up, or got drunk in the  apartment, dancing around cos Asa (Yamaguchi in general for that matter), doesn't have anywhere better!?  But, when I see people packing up and being sad about leaving, I am SO glad I am staying another year.  There is so many places I want to go, so many things I want to do, and I know I will meet many more fantastic people too.  I have been lucky to have a good job, where I don't have to sit at the desk being bored all day with teaching only 2 classes - I can go home.  I have a great supervisor and generous holidays.  As well as a prior interest (and a huge student loan!) in Japanese. 
But to think a year has passed...MAN!!  Only just over a week til I do finally get to go home!!  So can't wait, the countdown never did stop, just the reasons I longed for it to arrive changed!!  It's weird though, cos while I'm so excited about going home, I'm sad too cos friends are leaving...Ya can't win, eh!


At 28/7/04 12:44 pm, Blogger Abra said...

i have never been a fan of habi since that unfortunate english camp

At 28/7/04 3:34 pm, Blogger Selene said...

oh no Shelli, your voice is much sexier than mine!!

At 28/7/04 4:45 pm, Blogger J said...

well i came to the guchi this time a yr ago nearly to the day. still can't believe its been a year!! tis sucks that people are gonna

At 28/7/04 7:58 pm, Blogger Selene said...

ne, jo

At 28/7/04 10:04 pm, Blogger J said...

you have to look on blogger help for colours,slightly more challenging. as for the spaces, are there spaces in your template? could be a font size thing.

At 29/7/04 12:35 am, Blogger Selene said...

Ah yes, I shall just keep it all green for a while...does invoke that green NZ image me thinks!


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