Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The job...

is going good. There are 6 of us starting in the same position, and have been training together. We are in a classroom type place, and learning the products and systems we need to know to help customers on the phones. We have the rest of this week training, then we're on the phones for a few weeks, then more training. So much to learn, and to tell the truth, I don't have much confidence in myself that I can do it. All of us training though get on really well. Me and two of the girls have a good laugh most days, and generally end up giggling for ages! Last week especially. This is all down to the other girl training, who is 18 years old. We've decided that she was just nervous about being young, and less experienced (she's been working at McDonalds for 2 years), with les work-place appropriate social skills. We learnt just about everything about her, her boyfriend, upbring etc in the first 2 days, including that her mum is 36, her g-ma is 53, so she has already broken the trend of having a baby before 18. One day she randomly says "I need to find someone." We thought she was talking about in the company so we said look online, but then she says "I want to find my dad, see I've never met my real dad." The killer that had me in tears of laughter was after we were joking about asking customers if they are single? What colour eyes do you have..? etc. Our trainer Jo, says that some of the call centre staff have hooked up with each other, and there'd even been a wedding. Then this girl says, this one time at a MacDonalds party this guy hooked up with this girl, then he hooked up with another girl the same night, who was pregnant and then.... etc etc. I kind of lost what the story was cos I was laughing so much, as were the rest of us. Totally unrelated and inappropriate story to tell! Jo did so well, keeping a totally straight face, then saying "wow, that's crazy. I'd like to think our staff are more mature!" Very funny. Anyway, she has since quietened right down, not telling us any stories really, and actually doesn't talk much. I feel a bit bad, but really...!!

So yeah, all is going well. And I get 4 days at Xmas and 4 days at New Year off cos we aren't experienced enough to work of those times when there will be less staff to help us! Yay!


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