Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Still not the full Kiwi!

Twice in the past two days (as in once each day) I have been commented to about my accent. Yesterday by a chick who was our neighbour when I was a kid and probably haven't seen for 10 years. She goes, "your voice is different!"

Today at the job interview, I didn't even think I'd said much and one of the guys said, "Right, first question. Where are you from? I detect a bit of an accent."

Both times I say my standard response - I've just come back from two years in Japan and I had few NZ friends! I hung out with British and Americans mostly. Then they respond - Ah that's right, I hear a slight British accent.

Crazy, I keep thinking I must be back to normal cos no one mentions it, then a stranger goes and surprises me!


At 4/11/05 6:56 am, Blogger loz said...

what are the 2 words that you pronounce the same? Beer and bear? This is another subject that came up in office banter the other day - and I mentioned you. People were impressed at my Kiwi knowledge. Do all kiwis say it like that or is it just you? The other example was furry and fairy - which sound the same when said by scousers. Random thoughts for you! Good luck with the interviews.


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