Thursday, October 27, 2005

I've been working!!

But don't get excited - I've finished. For the last two days I and 3 others have been standing beside a turning thing that has 8 pottles in it. Honey pours into the pottles and as they come around filled, 3 of us screwed lids on they pottles and put them on trays while the other person put out more pottles on the turning thing! Oh the excitement that WINZ can give an unemployed person! But I shan't complain, I got a bit of money, and a pottle of honey (not the stuff we helped with). I'm also really sore on the sides of my back from leaning side to side, rather than turning around and bending forward!

I got rung up yesterday while I was at "work" by the recruitment agency in Chch, but by the time I got back to them they'd given a job to someone else. I was offered a job at Ballantynes (a quite flash department store) the other week for 6 weeks, but it wasn't doing anything I remotely wanted to do, and all I could think was, what if I get offered another job - so I didn't take it. Bit optimistic as I haven't really heard from any of the others!

I have just got a student loan statement from IRD, and they want $1100 NOW, because I haven't payment my minimum non-resident required payment this year. Pisses me off cos last year I paid way over what I was expected to pay. I can't be bothered arguing with them though, so I have just paid it online...Hope I get a job soon, cos funds are running low...! Also pissed off cos of all the interest that has gone on it in the past 4 years! Grr!

Last weekend was a long weekend - Labour Wkend. The best weather, and so far it has been sticking around with a balmy 24 degrees today! Yay. Had such a nice weekend though, Casey came down, so nice to see him. I decided we should have a bbq at Shaun and Ann's but turned out the weekend was double booked for other mates so it was just the 4 of us there!! Nice all the same! On Sunday had a bbq at Jemma's. Such a good night, sat round in the sun drinking and yarning. Then went it was getting cooler, her mum cranked out the brazier and we barbied sitting around the warmth of that! We even went into town for a few drinks at the pub! On Monday we went out for lunch, dining outside in the sun of course, then went down to the bay, wandered on the beach, then watched skateboarders and bmxers doing tricks on skate park. Was a lovely day too.


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