Friday, October 14, 2005

Want to blog, because I'm so so bored...but don't want to blog cos I am so so bored! Talk about dilemmas! Definitely starting to be irritated about being unemployed. I haven't applied for much this week, but I also haven't heard from any that I have already applied for. That's the worst thing I think, I've applied for countless jobs, some with due dates two weeks ago, and I haven't heard anything. Argh, do they not realise that some people REALLY want to get a yay or nay so they can move on!!

Sorted out the dole, and that has made me wish I hadn't bothered. It was going to be worse cos my 'case manager' thought I'd have a big stand down cos I earnt lots in Japan. But it turned out that I could start getting it now. However, I am being put forward for any old random jobs that come in - hence I am may be labelling jars next week (though even they haven't got back to me!) for 8 days. While I am unemployed I also have to go to a "Work Track" course for TWO weeks! What sort of bullshit is that!? Arghhhh...!!! I so hope I hear from some job people soon before I commit myself!

What else... Oh our cat was put down last week. Poor ol' Socks was about 19 years old and tho happy purring away, sleeping and eating, it'd vomit all the time, so Mum took her to the vet and they said her kidneys were failing, so it was bye bye Socks. I told Mum we should get a dog, but that's not going to be happening! Think we are a no pet family for a while. Not bad tho to get to 23 and have only had 2 cats all that time. I have a mate whose family have had so many cats...!

Weather's nice today - thats a plus after such shitty, cold weather for ages. Hopefully it keeps up for the weekend cos I plan to be outside. K, rambling now, so it's over and out - bye!


At 15/10/05 10:21 am, Blogger J said...

keep on selene. soon someone will move out of timaru and you can take their job!
miss you!

At 17/10/05 5:52 am, Blogger Cinnacism said...

Selene, I'm in the exact same boat. I've applied for a ton of jobs and barely gotten a few responses. One job even blew me off rudely after assuring me that I was one of the final two. Hang in there.

At 21/10/05 11:51 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

Poor Serene-chan. My heart goes out to you. Back in Cullompton so I'll be blogging again.


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