Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Suck it in Selene!

Have reached new lows...

Today I went for my final haircut at the salon in Kokura that I have been going to for the past 2 years. The cut appears to be fine, the highlights didn't take to my hair as well as I would have liked. But I did have a brilliant head massage, a lovely scented hand massage, and talked to 2 of the woman trainer/staff people lots, and had interesting conversation with my hair guy - Ikenaga-san! I tried to ask him if anything has ever gone really wrong while cuttign someone hair. But I didn't say it right, so he told me indepth about the troublesome things about cutting hair! I understood not much of it!! But flicky ends are tricky!

Anyway, once he'd successfully fluffed up my hair in the fashion he seems to like, I paid and said my farewells. He said "Ogenki de" and I said that I was sorry if things were a bit taihen at times! Thanked him and walked away. As I walked towards the esculator, I started to get choked up, and tears started coming to my eyes!! I was honestly going to go to the bathroom and have a cry, but then I thought, "Selene, stop being pathetic - it's the hairdressers!" So I sucked it up and carried on! Oh My God though, how stupid is that, getting emotional at the hairdressers!! Ah the things to come...

Had great sushi with Jo afterwards though!


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