Wednesday, June 22, 2005


I was writing a blog today that I had to put on hold for class, now I have something much more important to say, so I will post the other later.

I came home from Louise's tonight to a COCKROACH!!!!! EEWWW EEWWW EEWWW! I freaked out obviously, and scared the little f#*ker, so it dashed away, then I was trying to close doors to lock it in, and it dashed into my room!! MY ROOM where I sleep on the floor!! ARGH! So then I dashed around trying to get traps set up, and was shaking in a panic to get them down. I set one, but I think in the meantime it skittered away into the kitchen again... so I was preparing another trap, and I saw the little shithead in the middle of my kitchen. In a moment of panicked-cockroach-fearing angst, I threw the trap at it, I guess hoping it would be curious to go inside and get stuck to the floor. But no, it ran!

Needless to say the dirty, little critter is still at large, and I'm freaking out that it is in my bedroom, or for that matter just the fact it's in my house still!! Eww eww eww, how can I go to sleep with that here?

I took the rubbish out (it happens to be rubbish day), I saw that its a full moon. I blame that! Also today just along from the bus stop near the school I was at, there was this Huge Motherf#%ker of a frog! Honestly, I shit you not, it was bigger than my hand, like honestly, no exaggeration! It was also dead, so it was there when I came back to the bus stop later, obviously more cooked in the days heat than before. It was the freakiest, more unnatural thing I've ever seen - I think that was also because of the full moon. I hate Japan sometimes...!

P.S. excuse my language in this entry, but I really don't like cockroaches, or any yucky critters and bugs.

ETA: I checked the trap before going to bed at midnight, and the little sucker was in there! I was able to sleep soundly knowing I wasn't going to get crawled on by a gokiburi!


At 22/6/05 4:22 pm, Blogger Victoria said...

You should invest in some of the spray killing stuff. The traps are great, but when you see one, you want it dead right away and it's the least scary method of killing I think.

At 22/6/05 4:43 pm, Blogger Kat said...

I feel your pain, I had a very similar experience recently-its still at large in my house despite 5 traps down! They dont bloody work!

At 22/6/05 5:31 pm, Blogger Selene said...

Tori...totally unnecessary information, thanks mate!

At 22/6/05 6:23 pm, Blogger Selena said...

very funny post..had me laughing out loud- love the way u blame it on the full moon!!


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