Wednesday, June 29, 2005

It's the Tuesday night special...

Another damn cockroach! This better not be becoming a Tuesday night feature in my apartment cos I can't take it much longer! I Hate Them So Much!! Tonight's gokiburi showed it's ugly head during eikaiwa - nice time for a cockroach to show up!

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The cockroach just showed up again, and I freaked as I do... This one climbs the walls. I tried to hit it with a newspaper but it got away. So now I am doubly paranoid cos I don't know where it went...
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Just as I was about to get back to my story, the little shithead ran by me! I jumped, and thought it had gone again, but I saw it sitting there like a sitting duck (or cockroach if you will). So I grabbed the newspaper I had at my ready, and bashed it. It ran, but I was right on target this time. I bashed, and I bashed it! And killed the little f#%ker!!! Yeah! That's showing it who's boss!!
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The guys were not phased at all, while I was freaking out! I set up more traps, 3 to be exact! I discovered that I have some wee packets of meat and vege smelly things to entice it in, and some wee stickers that are furry so they can get into the trap easier! Such ingenuity! But as I've said, I went for corporal punishment this time!

Honestly I hate Japanese summer. I made pikelets with the eikaiwa-ers tonight. They were rather flat - flatter than they are when made in NZ. I blame the humidity. I whipped the cream for them - and it WOULD NOT thicken! Have you ever known cream to not whip!? I tell you its this damn weather! Bring on NZ winter I say! Right, I'm going to bed as I can now sleep easier knowing this cockroach is toast!


At 29/6/05 5:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

pie clits...hahaha

At 29/6/05 2:26 pm, Blogger Selene said...

it didn't get smushed, it was just knocked out... I think!

Is that you Abra...?


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