Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Overdue update - on the home straight!

Thought I'd better blog, cos people seem to think I've disappeared! And others are just bored..!

We are now in the second half of the third week. Yay, can smell the end of this course...nearly. I have two more teaching practices - 2 55 minute ones. An assignment due tomorrow, and another next week. By next Thursday, I'll be all done with assessment!! Yay! The course hasn't been entirely bad thus far (of course I change me opinion before the end). Have met nice, interesting, decent people, have learnt some stuff, have recalled some stuff from my university memory banks (a definite plus!), and haven't bombed too miserably at anything. So yeah, it's ok. So can't wait for it to be over all the same though. Looking forward to having a stress-free drink and not be thinking about the work that has to be done the next day or whenever. Am going to that historical place Anaythaya..(so not the name but the real one does have those letters in it) on Saturday with a few from the course (Jan and Brett). Will be nice to get out of the city but want to get most of my planning done for next week before. I also have a stuffy nose/coldy thing. I blame the air-cons everywhere and pollution. But I have been entertaining Paul with my Abra-influenced hypercondriactivity! (that so isn't a word is it..!?) So yeah. Funny and games, and generally all is cool.

Got to get back to this assignment.


At 18/8/05 3:58 am, Blogger loz said...

wow - you've been working hard Selene. I, unfortunately, having been doing naf all. Which means nothing to blog about. Hoping that will change soon.
Enjoy your last couple of weeks in Thailand

At 18/8/05 9:30 am, Blogger J said...

enjoy green! speak to you soon!


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