Tuesday, May 24, 2005

The weekend+

Had a lovely impromtpu weekend. It was the first in a while that I didn't have any set in stone plans and it left me totally indecisive about I should do! In the end I met Jenny, Laura, Paul and Tori in the Guch, we ate Laura's wonderfully prepared taco rice, which had been layed out on your plate so you get a bit of everything in one bite..! It was yummy! We drank and played Taboo...

So for anyone who knows or doesn't, last year at Rei's, a large number of people witnessed me humiliate myself with really really bad Taboo playing! I couldn't do it without either saying the words you're not allowed, or saying pass (before I realised that you can't pass more than once), and in the end I think I finished my round in the negatives! Not a proud moment! On Friday night, Paul had spread the word and no one wanted to me in my team..! I was like the smelly kid no one wants in their team at school... But Tori and Paul drew the short straws! I had a new approach 'quality not quantity', and it worked! I was so so much better than last year, though it wouldn't have taken much! Though I have to say, I am a very good guesser! After that it was off to karaoke, by this stage Paul was well pissed, and befriended some J-girls in the foot onsen... and Laura laughed at them looking like they wanted to ignore him but he kept leaning into the convo!!

Karaoke was on form that night, and it was almost 4am before we got to bed.

Saturday Jenny, Paul and I went for sushi then to Hofu for some Baskin Robbins. I saw a kid vomit there again...honestly parents need to control what their kids put in their mouth at that place! After, Paul and I got a train to Yanai, went to Kat's and started drinking again. We played numerous hand clappy drinking games with Lee, Lauren, Ellen, and Bruce, then headed to Gotcha for kebabs and drinking. It was a fun night, pretty quiet but a bit of dancing, drinking, talkng and limbo competitioning always makes for a good night!

More karaoke before bed. Lauren and Kat did a brilliant Beauty and the Beast "Be My Guest"!!

Sunday - buying fish lanterns in the white wall street, yakiniku, puri-kura then home. Jolly nice weekend!

Since then I have finished The Secret Life of Us, was very good. Yesterday in class I told two boys to turn round and face the front, and another boy who was talking right in front of me while I did my quiz, to shut up! I got home and started to try sort out piles of stuff, and they went into other piles, before being put away again! I did throw out 2 bags of paper and junk though, and kind of started filling a box. But it depressed me that I have so much to sort out in the next 9 weeks, and I don't know where to start...so I stopped! I hate that I have to pack my stuff, and also sort out the rest of everything since my apartment is over as a JET apartment. I so wish I could just leave everything I'm not taking home in the cupboard for the next person...!!


At 26/5/05 6:03 pm, Blogger Selene said...

you know those Yanai goldfish lanterns...!? You really must be bored, you poor thing!!


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