Thursday, May 12, 2005

something to look forward to...!

Apart from the obvious things to look forward to about going home, my friend just emailed me about a new thing going on the market at home...!

To give you a bit of background first. In NZ when you go to the pub and you're off the alcohol (yes there are times I do this thank you!), I and I'm sure a lot of NZers order a 'raspberry and coke'. When I was a kid and even now when at home and out for a meal somewhere, I'd get a raspberry and coke. They are honestly the greatest mix of flavours together that could ever be put together. For my birthday last year Mum sent me out some "Schweppes Raspberry Cordial" so I could make my own, and it was rationed and only drunk on special occasions!

So anyway, Coca Cola is bringing out 'raspberry and coke' premixed!!! So very exciting!! I have very high expectations, cos it's going to have to taste just like one you have mixed yourself. At home, the "Budget" brand brought out a premix, and it was terrible. You see it can't be fizzy raspberry soda mixed with coke, or any other fizzy cola. It must be raspberry cordial (possibly only Schweppes - that is all I've had).

Right, too much time on my hands....! But be waiting in September for my report on how the bottled "Coke and Raspberry" goes down!


At 12/5/05 11:17 pm, Blogger Cinnacism said...

Wow, that sounds tasty. Do you know if it's coming to America too? If not, I will definitely have to try this with some high quality flavored syrup and Coke. Thanks for the news!

At 13/5/05 11:33 am, Blogger J said...

cherry vodka and coke is good...

At 13/5/05 2:44 pm, Blogger Selene said...

Raspberry and Coke with vodka, also good...


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