Tuesday, June 14, 2005

After going for drinks and dinner at Gecko's Garden, we went to Polly's Kettle which was up Hooker's Hill!? The shady underbelly of Seoul! It was a fun place, really cheap, sweet drinks, music, and very young looking US Army guys. After that we went to Gecko's Terrace for some expensive drinks. There were lots of Army guys there too, but as soon as 1am clicked over, they were off home to bed before the Military Police were on their arses!  Posted by Hello


At 14/6/05 2:05 pm, Blogger J said...

do you remember having to walk up to all military to guys to see if they would say "yes ma'am to laura?" that was funny...

At 14/6/05 3:45 pm, Blogger loz said...

it was funny - except they were so unimpressed.

At least someone eventully said it to me. I'm not sure if it counts as a success tho cos
1. I didn't even hear him say it and 2. Zoe told him to and 3. He was an imposter - not even in the military.

At 14/6/05 8:24 pm, Blogger Selene said...

that was very funny!!


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