Monday, May 02, 2005

The Weekend that was...


Yes, had a fun ol weekend with lots of fun and excitement! Abra arrived on Friday night, and Jo and I waited excitedly at the station, deciding whether or not to sneak through the ticket booth to wait on the platform (we didn't). Then we laughed about lying down and commando crawling under the automatic ticket barrier thing!! That would be funny to see! Then Abra arrived, and that was cool!

So Fukuoka on Saturday (after 2 sushi visits in 2 days!). Fun ol' times all round. Abra, Jess and I checked into the capsule, then met the others at Voodoo lounge. Quick drink then Small Cock. Felt quite privileged to be there for the last night as the Small Cock! Also felt little like I go there too much when sexy bouncer and I hugged hello! So we stayed there dancing and chatting. I chatted at the bar for a few minutes with a Navy guy, he was leaving Japan in 10 days cos he is either done in Japan or in the Navy all together... Us girls danced and drank, then headed for the other Cock.

It was raining, and en route, at the crossing met three guys, gaijin, and 2 J-folk. We chatted a little, then Gillian and I crossed, thinking the rest were coming. The didn't so we yelled, then ended up going back over. This one guy knew I was from NZ, turns out one of the girls had said! So he has lived in Christchurch and Nelson for 7 years, since 1994, just coming back a few months ago. It was cool cos we could talk about places and so knew where we were talking about! The funny thing is, he talked and his mannerisms were very Maori!! More Maori than some Maori friends I have at home!! Oh it was brilliant! I couldn't help laughing at him! Which was bad one time cos I was still laughing, when he went on to say his father had a stroke last week. Oops! But yeah, nice group of guys.

The Big Cock, since it will now be Fukuoka's only Cock is bigger and better! There is some more room, which was crowded of course, but the ultra high ceilings make it cooler, and the air not so smoky feeling. Definite plusses! And the dance stage is higher, I guess good for people who want to be seen, or the people who want to watch..! Angela did a brilliant dance effort up there, much more tasteful than the skanky J-girl! Then bless the J-woman who danced up there for ages alone, in a side-steppy, hand clapping, boppy fashion, thinking that all the guys were loving it, but they were so paying her out, mean guys!

There was this guy who wanted to dance, and I said what's your name, he said "Dingo" I think, so I said are you from Australia? And he said he wasn't. I also asked if I'd met him before!? He said I had... I doubted him. Obviously not off to a good start from the beginning! But he irritated me a little, and he got less irritating, but sweatier. He undid his top to mid chest, and had a big necklace thing on, and wiped his sweaty head on my arm - ick! Anyway, yeah we left (as in the girls and I)! N.B. On Sunday Jo said that it was the guy I'd talked to at the small cock...oops! Kind of felt bad after that I was so off with him!! No worries though!!!

So we hung about for ages outside talking to our new mates, and working out what was happening from there. Eventually Jess, Abra and I left for the capsule, and the others all headed on there merry way. Went back to the Big Cock when Jess lost her glasses, and we waited for it to close. The owner was being worshiped by the niteclubbers on the stage in the final songs. Thankful the glasses were safe in a corner near the lockers, so we could leave. On the way out the owner guy, gave me a big smile and "arigato gozaimasu". Another sign I have been there too often over the past 2 years!!

So yeah, slept, went back to Shimonoseki, slept at Jo's, went for some fried chicken, and Abra and I came back to Asa. Were asleep by 9.30am. We both woke, and I said "is that an earthquake?" and it seemed to be, we checked the time, and it was about 1.30am. It seemed like we'd been asleep for so very long! Then we woke (or I was woken by Abra) at 6ish, 8ish... And the whole earthquake thing seemed dreamlike..!? Very strange.

Anyway, good times! Looking forward to Osaka now on Wednesday.


At 2/5/05 10:46 pm, Blogger Cinnacism said...

Navy guy seemed to like you a LOT. I can't imagine how broken-hearted he must be. :)

It was great to hang out with you!


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