Thursday, November 18, 2004


I just got an email from friend at home saying that one of my best friend's brother has been in a bad motorbike accident in Aussie and might lose his arm. It's the first time since being in Japan that something has happened to someone at home and I can't do anything cos I am thousands of kms away. I'm stuck at school for another hour or so, and I don't know if I want to cry or be sick or both! Realistically, even if I was at home I couldn't do much cos my friend is going to Aussie tomorrow, but at least I'd be there to see her. There is nothing like being on the other side of the world to make you feel totally helpless.


At 18/11/04 7:27 pm, Blogger Abra said...

that sucks selene. i hope the brother is ok.


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