Back from hiatus...
Wasn’t an intentional one, just I never feel like sitting at the computer after I’ve just spent eight hours at one at work. I haven’t been up to too much anyway. A brief recap – Jo and Paul stayed on the way home from their honeymoon. Had fun wandering around town, saw some a fun busker’s performance. Resolved my mate Shanna and her brother’s argument (really nothing, just Shan being drunk and her bro not being bothered with her, and then she worked herself up and got upset). How did I get them talking again you ask… I told Shan, that in Japan they’d just have a game of Janken and it would solve all probs. So she marched into the other room where he was, said “Selene said we have to play rock, paper, scissors.” They played, Shan won, they laughed, hugged and were friends again! Cracked me up cos I didn’t really think she’d do it or it’d work!
Went home for the weekend last weekend. Ended up having pretty big nights on both Friday and Saturday. Went out with Jem and Tans on Friday night, after a couple of hours of SingStar! Love that. Saturday was brilliant weather, and went to barbie at Shan’s for her sister’s homecoming. Ended up drinking crazy cocktails that I made up with random drinks around, then went to town.
In between all that been working. Work’s not going too badly. It’s definitely not a job I’ll be staying in forever, and I think parts of me wish I wasn’t sticking it out for a year, but it’s not totally unbearable so I can handle it. I do the other half of training next week so that will be good. Then I’ll finally be able to work on remembering and learning everything I need to, rather than passing calls on to fully trained staff. I get on well with other staff but it’s generally just at work stuff. Paula who I started training with and I get on well, and I think we will go out outside of work, but otherwise I don’t know… I think it’ll be better once we have a social club event, and mix outside of work. We’ll see…! I had a thought the other day… I miss having my weekends planned weeks in advanced. Whether it was just hanging out at someone’s apartment, going to the city clubbing, going some cultural event, or deciding to have a weekend in veging, I always had something to look forward to, and knew I’d be seeing my friends soon. These days with most friends in other cities, my social arrangements are much fewer and further between. I might have to join a club at this stage to make friends!
I do miss the old lifestyle of Japan…